You’re in charge
with Purpl PRO

Measure potency and more

Utilize FDA-endorsed technology

Get instant answers, anywhere

Pair with an iOS or Android phone

Save significant time and money
Lab Accuracy Without the Lab
See our white paper to learn more about our proven, near-infrared spectroscopy technology. We validated it by comparing Purpl PRO flower potency test results with those from certified testinglaboratories in two states.

Measuring your sample is fast,
easy and affordable with

CLICK to Open the App
Step 1, CLICK to open the App on your smartphone.

CLICK to Calibrate
Step 2, CLICK the “CALIBRATE NOW” button, and Purpl PRO will take a few minutes to prepare itself for use.

CLICK to Measure
Step 3. Prepare your sample, load it into the chamber and CLICK “MEASURE NOW”.

Get Results
Purpl PRO will automatically display your results in a few seconds.
If you’d like to save then simply click “SAVE TO DB”.
If you’d like to measure another sample, just click “NEW MEASUREMENT”.

Help is built right in!
Even though we have done our best to make Purpl PRO easy to use, sometimes you may need a bit more help. If so, we have a help function built in!

CLICK to Open the App
Step 1, CLICK to open the App on your smartphone.

CLICK to Calibrate
Step 2, CLICK the “CALIBRATE NOW” button, and Purpl PRO will take a few minutes to prepare itself for use.

CLICK to Measure
Step 3. Prepare your sample, load it into the chamber and CLICK “MEASURE NOW”.

Get Results
Purpl PRO will automatically display your results in a few seconds.
If you’d like to save the simply click “SAVE TO DB”.
If you’d like to measure another sample, just click “NEW MEASUREMENT”.

Help is built right in!
Even though we have done our best to make Purpl PRO easy to use, sometimes you may need a bit more help. If so, we have a help function built in!