by purpladmin | Oct 4, 2019 | FAQ, Production Usage
What other industries use Purpl PRO? Purpl PRO is geared specifically towards the cannabis industry. However, the near-infrared technology powering Purpl PRO is used in nearly all manufacturing industries, from big agriculture to pharmaceuticals to food &...
by purpladmin | Oct 4, 2019 | FAQ, Production Usage
Is Purpl PRO a state-certified test method? No. Most states name only HPLC or GC as certified methods. The Purpl PRO is not intended to replace mandatory third-party testing of final product and is intended to replace R&D testing which does not require HPLC or...
by purpladmin | Oct 4, 2019 | FAQ, Production Usage
What are optimal use-cases for Purpl PRO? Any time a potency measurement is needed that doesn’t require third-party lab testing. Pheno hunting, optimization of cultivation parameters, R&D testing, transparency during transactions, and many...
by purpladmin | Oct 4, 2019 | FAQ, Production Usage
Is Purpl PRO supposed to eliminate outside lab-testing? No. Third-party testing is critical to maintaining proper quality assurance in final products. But the Purpl PRO can be used for all cases where third-party testing is NOT...
by purpladmin | Oct 4, 2019 | FAQ, Production Usage
What can Purpl test for? Currently, Total THC and Total CBD in cured, ground flower. In 2019 a software update will also allow measurement of moisture and water activity. Towards the end of 2019/early 2020 it will also allow potency measurement of...
by purpladmin | Oct 4, 2019 | FAQ, Production Usage
How is Purpl PRO different than HPLC or GC? Both HPLC and GC require a cannabis sample to be dissolved in liquid solvent(s) to strip away the non-cannabinoid substances, then this liquid is pushed through small tubes until an optical sensor records the amount of...