by purpladmin | Oct 21, 2019 | New Distributor Announcements
Biologic Crop Solutions announced today that it has formalized a partnership agreement with Purpl Scientific Inc. to distribute The Purpl PRO, a revolutionary, miniaturized potency measurement system that instantly determines the THC and CBD content of a cannabis...
by purpladmin | Sep 18, 2019 | New Distributor Announcements
Brew & Grow announced today that it has formalized a partnership agreement with Purpl Scientific Inc. to distribute The Purpl PRO, a revolutionary, miniaturized potency measurement system that instantly determines the THC and CBD content of a cannabis flower...
by purpladmin | Sep 11, 2019 | New Distributor Announcements
Emerald Scientific announced today that it has formalized a partnership agreement with Purpl Scientific Inc. to distribute The Purpl PRO, a revolutionary, miniaturized potency measurement system that instantly determines the THC and CBD content of a cannabis flower...
by purpladmin | Sep 5, 2019 | New Distributor Announcements
Innovative Sourcing announced today that it has formalized a partnership agreement with Purpl Scientific Inc. to distribute The Purpl PRO, a revolutionary, miniaturized potency measurement system that instantly determines the THC and CBD content of a cannabis flower...
by purpladmin | Sep 3, 2019 | New Distributor Announcements
The Grow Show announced today that it has formalized a partnership agreement with Purpl Scientific Inc. to distribute The Purpl PRO, a revolutionary, miniaturized potency measurement system that instantly determines the THC and CBD content of a cannabis flower...
by purpladmin | Aug 7, 2019 | New Distributor Announcements
Good Life Gardens announced today that it has formalized a partnership agreement with Purpl Scientific Inc. to distribute The Purpl PRO, a revolutionary, miniaturized potency measurement system that instantly determines the THC and CBD content of a cannabis flower...